3 – 48: Complete Imbolc Meditation mp4

Goddess Bride Connection Guided Meditation for Imbolc
Imbolc – Feb 1-2 in the wheel of the year – is coming up! This is a beautiful meditation that I have facilitated for years around this time of year. It helps to spark the fires again after the long winter. Planning, and thinking, and talking are done. Now it’s time for action! The Goddess Bride can help to rekindle that flame of motivation for you.

In preparation for this meditation bring together a quiet place, your journal and journaling pen, and a white candle. During the meditation, Bride will ask you about your plans for the year – so take some time to think about your answer ahead of time. As mentioned in the video before this one in our series, it’s a good idea to come into this meditation having done some divination work. Or at least to think about these questions before beginning this guided visualization.
• What plans do you need to put in place to see a bright future ahead?
• What talents and strengths can you draw upon that will support a fruitful outcome?

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask her a question.

Set aside about 40 minutes (10 minutes for prep, 20 for the meditation, and 10 for reflection) to fully experience the meditation.


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