Shamanic Drumming 5 Benefits, What Are They?

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Drumming goes way back to our primordial being. Thus, the drum was probably the first instrument ever invented. Stringing animal hide over a hollow truck, perhaps to stretch the hide first for practical uses, was when it might have begun? Then as water fell on it, perhaps the rhythmic sound rose up to catch the attention of prehistoric man? But this deep rhythm would become faster as the rain began to fall with more intensity. In Shamanic drumming the purpose of inducing a range of ecstatic trance states is created, in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.

In this natural way of musical discovery it’s no wonder that Shamanic drumming is practiced the world over, in very similar ways. There is a unifying element to the drum beat. It’s something that’s hard to escape when the rhythm rolls through you. Shamanic drumming uses a repetitive rhythm that begins slowly and then gradually builds in intensity to a tempo of three to seven beats per second. The ascending tempo will induce light to deep trance states, and facilitate the shamanic techniques of journeying, shapeshifting, and divination. Sometimes a state of ecstasy is achieved.

5 Benefits Of Free Shamanic Journey Music
1. Natural rhythmic healing

2. Establishing connections with the spirit realm, to bring balance back into your life

3. Great stress reliever

4. Helps to improve immunity sytem

5. It’s fun to listen to and play!

In conclusion, use the link to get your free Shamanic Journey music:

It’s part of a shamanic course that will empower you to do your own shamanic journey, which can change your life for the better!

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