Letting Go of Past Relationships

Letting Go of Past Relationships

Better things are ahead! Let’s talk about it! Join my Patreon: patreon.com/BlendedInsight174 This is not a substitute for medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical condition. I graciously accept donations! Or: For more answers to…

Choose People Who Choose You

Choose People Who Choose You

Choosing people who choose us saves us so much time and energy! Let’s talk about it! Join my Patreon: patreon.com/BlendedInsight174 Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute…

Let Go of Trying to Change Others (Energy Healing)

Let Go of Trying to Change Others (Energy Healing)

Give yourself the freedom of accepting what is and then deciding how you want to co-create or show up with it. We cannot change others, only ourselves and how we respond to others. 💜 Listen to it as many times…

Release Attachments (Energy Healing)

Release Attachments (Energy Healing)

This healing is designed to assist you with releasing all attachments (habits, people, behaviors, etc) that you wish to release. This can be your own attachments or other people’s attachments to you. You can set an intention if you wish,…

Energy Healing to Break Destructive Patterns

Energy Healing to Break Destructive Patterns

This healing is designed to help you break destructive patterns of all kinds. You deserve to be balanced and well! 💜 Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can…

Energy Healing for Empaths

Energy Healing for Empaths

This healing is designed to clear the energy field, cut cords, and create strong shields for those that are prone to absorb the energy of other people. Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only…