Purge and Release Old & Stuck Energy

Purge and Release Old & Stuck Energy

The biggest full moon of the year is on April 23rd. This is the perfect time to purge old energy, release stagnant thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and anything that is no longer serving you. This healing will work year round, but…

Cut Cords and Release Unhealthy Attachments (Energy Healing)

Cut Cords and Release Unhealthy Attachments (Energy Healing)

Cut cords and release unhealthy attachments to any person, place or thing. 💜 Join my Patreon: patreon.com/BlendedInsight174 Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute it since the…

Letting Go of Past Relationships

Letting Go of Past Relationships

Better things are ahead! Let’s talk about it! Join my Patreon: patreon.com/BlendedInsight174 This is not a substitute for medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical condition. I graciously accept donations! Or: For more answers to…

Resolve Inner Contradictions (Energy Healing)

Resolve Inner Contradictions (Energy Healing)

Inner contradictions keep you stuck and confused. Resolve them and get clarity on your path and who you REALLY are. You are unlimited and boundless. Your soul came here to break barriers and fulfill a Divine purpose. Step forward with…

Dissolve Seeds of Anger (Energy Healing )

Dissolve Seeds of Anger (Energy Healing )

This healing is designed to help you release seeds of anger. Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute it since the healing is separate from the music.…

Let Go of Worry Based Beliefs (Energy Healing)

Let Go of Worry Based Beliefs (Energy Healing)

Our minds are incredibility powerful! Release beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a fight or flight state. Be here now. All is well. Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your…

The Lightness of Letting Go

The Lightness of Letting Go

Sometimes we don’t realize the weight of something until we let it go. Let’s talk about it. This is not a substitute for medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical condition. I graciously accept donations!…

Full Moon Release (Energy Healing)

Full Moon Release (Energy Healing)

Release what doesn’t serve you! Work with the energy of the full moon to bless and release. You can hold the intention in your mind or write it down – whatever resonates with you. This energy healing is designed to…

Release the Energy of Trauma (Energy Healing)

Release the Energy of Trauma (Energy Healing)

This healing is designed to help you release the energy of any past trauma that has occurred in your life. The past exists in the mind – release and let go. Listen to it as many times as you feel…

Let Go of What Isn't Yours to Carry (Energy Healing)

Let Go of What Isn’t Yours to Carry (Energy Healing)

Let go of all that is not yours – stress, thoughts, behaviors, judgements, and beliefs. You are a powerful creator! Return to your center and take your power back. 💜 Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn.…