Energy for Renewal

Energy for Renewal

Energy for Renewal is to help you feel as if each day is a positive new beginning.* Try using this video with Reiki to Raise Your Vibrations to assist you with well being on many levels, 🙌 Although most videos…

Receive Positive Energy from Ancestors

Receive Positive Energy from Ancestors

The Receive Positive Energy from Ancestors is to assist you with receiving the guidance you may need for a challenge. It is to help you connect with the ancestor that can help you the most. Reiki to Assist you with…

Energy for Abundance of Health 🌺

Energy for Abundance of Health 🌺

Energy for Abundance of Health is to assist with bringing in energetic vibrations to help keep you healthy* Use Reiki for Physical Well Being with Reiki for Well Being, 🙌 The videos on this channel do not have sound when…