Step into Certainty (Energy Healing)

Step into Certainty (Energy Healing)

Your beliefs have tremendous power. Step into certainty/faith. God has your back. You deserve all the blessings your heart desires! Things are always working out for you. 💜 Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you…

The Discomfort of Consciousness

The Discomfort of Consciousness

When you know, you can’t pretend you don’t. Let’s talk about it! This is not a substitute for medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical condition. I graciously accept donations! Or: For more answers to…

Align to a Higher Vibration (Energy Healing)

Align to a Higher Vibration (Energy Healing)

Elevate yourself! This healing is designed to uplift you and help you align to a higher frequency. Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can…

The Middle Place

The Middle Place

You aren’t where you used to be but you aren’t where you want to be – the middle place. Let’s talk about it! I graciously accept donations! Or: For more answers to common questions, please watch this video: Subscribe…

Stop Chasing and Start Aligning (Energy Healing)

Stop Chasing and Start Aligning (Energy Healing)

Know who you are. Tap into that inner guidance within and align to a higher frequency. Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute…

Choose People Who Choose You

Choose People Who Choose You

Choosing people who choose us saves us so much time and energy! Let’s talk about it! Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute…

Elevate Your Abundance (Energy Healing)

Elevate Your Abundance (Energy Healing)

This healing is designed to help you elevate your abundance. Abundance is all around us. Open yourself to receive. Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition!…

Why I Switched from Reiki to Pranic Healing

Why I Switched from Reiki to Pranic Healing

Why did I switch from Reiki to Pranic Healing? Let’s talk about it! This is not a substitute for medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical condition. I graciously accept donations! Or: For more answers…

Resolve Inner Contradictions (Energy Healing)

Resolve Inner Contradictions (Energy Healing)

Inner contradictions keep you stuck and confused. Resolve them and get clarity on your path and who you REALLY are. You are unlimited and boundless. Your soul came here to break barriers and fulfill a Divine purpose. Step forward with…

Call in Love (Energy Healing)

Call in Love (Energy Healing)

This healing is designed to help you call in love! What you want, wants you. ❤️ Join my Patreon: Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn. Energy healing only helps. Trust your intuition! You can mute…