Reiki Course Level 1 (1h and 38 minutes) With Cert./Diploma + Attunements (see description)

Reiki Course Level 1 (1h and 38 minutes) With Cert./Diploma + Attunements (see description)

Get your Certified Traditional Usui Reiki Diploma and Attunements by clicking here: Reiki Certification and Online Reiki Course: Learn Level 1: (certificate + diploma) Learn Level 2: (certificate + diploma) Learn Level 3 / Master / Teacher: (certificate + diploma)…

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki

Reiki is not only for humans! Animals can, and do, benefit tremendously from Reiki. And, since animals are especially sensitive and receptive to energy, this healing modality is truly effective in addressing many common issues: behavioral, psychological, etc.

Alternative Reiki Session: Distant Reiki

Alternative Reiki Session: Distant Reiki

Reiki is energy and therefore doesn’t require the recipient to be physically present in the same location with the practitioner. Distant Reiki is a wonderful option when traveling is not convenient or practical.

Alternative Reiki Session: Seated Reiki

Alternative Reiki Session: Seated Reiki

For those who find it difficult to get on a treatment table, or for others who may be home-bound or hospitalized, this video demonstrates one alternative to a typical Reiki Treatment Session: seated Reiki.

Reiki Treatment Session

Reiki Treatment Session

What happens during a Reiki Session? This video will answer your questions!

Reiki Introduction

Reiki Introduction

Answers basic question: What is Reiki?