Reiki Energy healing Part 01 - Pink energy light & hands

Reiki Energy healing Part 01 – Pink energy light & hands

This is a paid video, if you watch for free please at least visit our website Let the pink light energy improve your life. Is fuel for your body. Step 1: Go to a quiet place; Step 2: Breath in…

Reiki Therapy  How Reiki Helped Me

Reiki Therapy How Reiki Helped Me

Reiki Therapy How Reiki Helped Me if you would like to learn reiki and help yourself and your loved ones without experience and suitable for beginners after watching the video reiki therapy and how reiki helped me please click on…

Alternative Reiki Session: Distant Reiki

Alternative Reiki Session: Distant Reiki

Reiki is energy and therefore doesn’t require the recipient to be physically present in the same location with the practitioner. Distant Reiki is a wonderful option when traveling is not convenient or practical.

Alternative Reiki Session: Seated Reiki

Alternative Reiki Session: Seated Reiki

For those who find it difficult to get on a treatment table, or for others who may be home-bound or hospitalized, this video demonstrates one alternative to a typical Reiki Treatment Session: seated Reiki.

Reiki Treatment Session

Reiki Treatment Session

What happens during a Reiki Session? This video will answer your questions!