Rest Relaxation Reiki Healing Works Best At Night Why?

Before I Go To sleep, I Do Rest Relaxation Reiki Healing Every Night
Why should you be doing Rest relaxation reiki healing every night before you go to sleep? I tell you based on my experience.

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There are many reasons to do reiki on a regular basis.

Through my experience I give myself a reiki treatment when I lay my head on the pillow, close my eyes, ready to fall asleep. This is a great time to do reiki. If you are a busy person, it is so easy, because it doesn’t take any time out of your regular work schedule.
I know how difficult it is to find time during the day to do reiki. Even in the mornings it’s hard to do, especially when other people in your house are waking up, and they come in to disturb your reiki session.

And the rest of the day for me is so busy sometimes with work, shopping and family that it is nearly impossible to find the right time to do a reiki session.

Doing reiki at night is all too perfect, and I’ll tell you the benefits that I get out of it
I use all the reiki symbols you can learn in reiki level two when doing a session before I fall asleep. The reiki energy is strengthened with the power symbol. I clean my aura and chakra’s with the second symbol, and program my aura with a positive affirmation, one that helps me to love my life, to live my life, and to enjoy my life. And then I use the long distance symbol to program the energy to flow all the way through the night, and through to the next day, until the evening comes again, where I repeat the rest relaxation reiki healing session.

Now the first thing I noticed through doing a session at this time, is that I now sleep through the night, as the energy flows through me. I get a great nights sleep now, which wasn’t the case before, when I would always be waking up constantly.
The second thing I notice is that I have quite a few aches and pains, and some pains have disappeared completely, and others have been lessened considerably by the regular reiki energy.

Another thing is that the more I do this, the stronger the reiki energy is becoming. I’m feeling way more in balance too during the day.

When I wake up in the morning I feel great, no more aches and pains in my joints, and I feel as if I found my centre. I am truly rejuvenated in the morning.

Rest relaxation reiki healing during my workday is hard
And during the entire new workday, I find that I am more at peace, more clearheaded, and I’m better at my job. I’m also better at dealing with stress, and when confronted with peoples personality conflicts.

It is so easy and comfortable
The great thing about doing a reiki session at night is that I can lie on the bed. It is so easy and comfortable. I put one hand on my crown chakra, and one of my root chakra. I imagine a reiki beam flowing through my entire aura. It flows through my chakras, from my crown chakra, giving a total effect to my entire being. And as I am doing this, basically I just fall asleep in the reiki energy. The energy is flowing all night, until to the next morning. It continues throughout the next day, until I do the rest relaxation reiki healing session again.

Now some people do rest relaxation reiki healing sessions before they go to sleep, and also when they wake up. This sounds great, but I have always just done it either at night or in the morning. It is up to you entirely how you want to do this session. For me I often forget to do it the morning, so the night session is perfect.

But I highly recommend that you try doing a rest relaxation reiki healing session before you go to sleep. Because it really helps to improve the quality of your life on many levels, and you will be grateful.

So why don’t you learn reiki, if you haven’t already. Learn how to do rest relaxation reiki healing. Go to Lina and Daniela‘s online reiki course. Learn the reiki 2 symbols. You too can create the life you love, through a regular reiki session before you fall asleep.

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