21 - 43 - Jôgen | The Waxing Moon

21 – 43 – Jôgen | The Waxing Moon

Card 43: Honour your growth: time to manifest. THE VIBE: Growing, Changing. This video was posted on May 29, 2023, while the moon is waxing (growing). The manifestation ritual I am teaching in this video can be very powerful if…

18 - 13 - Hatsurei Hô  |  Spirit Release Method

18 – 13 – Hatsurei Hô | Spirit Release Method

18 – 13: Hatsurei Hô: As Within; So, Without | Uchi no Gotoku, Soto mo Shikari THE VIBE: As above, so below. Strengthen the macro-micro-macro cycle. This video was posted on May 7th, 2023. This card is asking you to…

10. Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 2: Chikyu Kokyo-Ho or Earthly Breath Method

10. Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 2: Chikyu Kokyo-Ho or Earthly Breath Method

Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 2-3 should not be attempted until you have mastered: 1. Kenyoku 2. Hado Kokyu-Ho 3. Chikyu no Kokyu 4. Joshin Kokyu-Ho & The Clear Channel 5. Makoto no Kokyu Part 1 6. Makoto no Kokyu Part 2:…

8.  Reiki Moving Meditation

8. Reiki Moving Meditation

Reiki Moving Meditation This exercise is more Westernized than many of the others in this series. Use this exercise to ground Reiki Energy into the real world for yourself. You can also use it as a way to ground manifestation…

11.  Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 3:  Gappei Kokyu-Ho or  Merging Breath Method

11. Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 3: Gappei Kokyu-Ho or Merging Breath Method

Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 3 should not be attempted until you have mastered: 1. Kenyoku 2. Hado Kokyu-Ho 3. Chikyu no Kokyu 4. Joshin Kokyu-Ho & The Clear Channel 5. Makoto no Kokyu Part 1 6. Makoto no Kokyu Part 2:…

9.  Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 1:  Tengoku no Kokyu OR Sei He Ki Connection

9. Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 1: Tengoku no Kokyu OR Sei He Ki Connection

Suwatte Kokyu-Ho Pt 1-3 should not be attempted until you have mastered: 1. Kenyoku 2. Hado Kokyu-Ho 3. Chikyu no Kokyu 4. Joshin Kokyu-Ho & The Clear Channel 5. Makoto no Kokyu Part 1 6. Makoto no Kokyu Part 2:…

5. Jôshin Kokyûhô Pt 2:  Clear Channel

5. Jôshin Kokyûhô Pt 2: Clear Channel

Making way for the Reiki energy to flow smoothly through us. We are now using Reiki to work with us to become the best channels of the energy that we can be. This exercise is cleansing, and in severe cases…

4. Jôshin Kokyûhô or  Breathing Method for Cleansing the Spirit

4. Jôshin Kokyûhô or Breathing Method for Cleansing the Spirit

All exercises previous to this one have not yet incorporated the Reiki energy. Now we begin to work with the energy, and incorporate it’s essence into our own. Use this exercise to become an empty vessel for the with the…

3. Chikyu no Kokyu - Breath of Earth

3. Chikyu no Kokyu – Breath of Earth

For those of us who really struggle with grounding. Practice this several times a day when you are struggling to ground, but no more than morning and evening once you’ve mastered grounding.

2. Hado Kokyu-Ho or Hado  Breathing

2. Hado Kokyu-Ho or Hado Breathing

Use Hado Breathing to help to calm your stress-out body. (AKA Relaxing Breathing Method) I mention the polyvagal theory in the video – worth a deep dive if you are an easily stressed, anxious, individual.